Sunday, February 15, 2009

Math Mammoth

Math Mammoth offers affordable math workbooks covering numerous topics. Some of them include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and place value. Some workbooks are organized by topic, others by grade level.
We received Grade 6A and 6B, Multiplication 2, Division 2 and Multiplication/Division 3. 6A is an 87 page download with a focus on Operations with Numbers, Place Value, Decimals and others. 6B is an 80 page download with topics including geometry, equations, ratios and statistics. The books aren’t meant to be a teaching text but more of a review or additional worksheet helps. Answer keys come with the books.

The company’s website is very informative and helps with placement. There is a free 280 page download so you definitely get a great sampling of the books. The books are available as downloads, CD version and print version. The prices vary according to the product.

You can check out the Math Mammoth website here. Also, be sure to read reviews on this and other great homeschooling products at the TOS Homeschool Crew blog!

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